Friday, September 4, 2009


I think it's pathetic to walk out on a relationship without going to counseling or doing everything possible that's left to do. Most of you say you don't want to hurt your significant other, but you already did that when you started seeing someone else and it all starts with that one decision whether or not your should cross the line! Why didn't you think of your partner's feelings when you made that first move to cross the relationship?! Sounds to me like you have communication issues. I think if you care about someone, you tell them the truth no matter what! All this boo hoo about "I don't want to hurt her/him!" But you already did when you messed around with that other person! Grow up and face life! It's not perfect and you're going to have problems in a relationship no matter what! You may find out that you have more problems with the person you left your lover for! And if that happens, I say..what goes around comes around! Think about this: You fell for your lover in the beginning just as you are falling for this other person. But this other person doesn't care about your partner's feelings! And anyone who tries to get with another person that is in a relationship has self esteem issues. How can you give up so easily? What a quitter! It's people like you that should stay single!

1 comment:

i v a n t a n said...

hmmm... well said!i think u know that i know how you will feel... =/

be well, alright?