Monday, July 12, 2010

if she holla, let her go -

after 8 hours of work from a graveyard shift, i came home.....................................only to find a gift awaiting for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i screamed! WOW-ed
I KNOW RIGHT! damn WTF-ed!
we saw this together in Poh Kong; One Utama but didnt get it was it was pretty unaffordable..its not as fragile as seen.its solid,especially at the bottom,solid heavy.and the shiny part is white gold plating gold.
this is so amaazing!

from farouqgy.
with Loveeee


Elaine New said...

y are there funny comments on ur blog? haha. anyway, damn nice the ring!!!! =)

sir mix a lot said...

i know right! all the post has funny chinese wording which i have no idea at all