Saturday, July 11, 2009

you're like a hard candy with a surprise centre -

this is the best for the day.we went midvalley after spending almost the whole morning on side seeing.made me feel like i'm a tourist too. heh (:
we had sushi in Sushi King.guillaume and i was craving for the same food.and very much crazy over one specific food,UNAGI! :D

i adore you (: you look ssshoo sexy in white.a lot.

just for the record :) and oh,a fillet of unagi too :D and it tasted hell damn good!

and yes!something really really memorable happened.guillaume and i were in dilemma of picking time for Ice Age 3 whether it'd be 4.30pm or about 4.25pm,he was already rushing me,said oh we're going to be late.and we went it,nope,not late.and there!a family with babies was sitting on our seats!i got pretty furious.but we politely ask them if they got their seats right.guillaume and i was squatting there for about 10 minutes as the man run in and out to double check and find his ticket to much hassle!in the end,he found his ticket.and we compared the deatails.AND ITS WAS HUMILIATING!!!!nooo * hides under sheets* we were due for the 6.30pm movie!!!!!not 4.30pm!GUILLAUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRR!so much hassle for the family and it was our mistake.and the wife has tattoo on her arms!which i thought was pretty scary D: D: but but but :D i think this is one of the most significant memory of us.i will miss you.

after movie,we went for my favourite, Carl's Jr! :D taste best with jalapeno and onion and tomato bits :) but guillaume didnt put those,so yum,his lost it didnt taste as well as mine did.

got home.and yes,no keys and stuck out of the house :S mum and bro was out in Tropicana City Mall and sister in Curve D; but out for quite awhile.anyway,its still spending quality time with him..its amazing how he can make the best out of the worst.


Marini Shariff said...

Oh crap, I want that unagi D:

Evelyn,Sook Tieng said...

who is this guy mei yin ? (: