Sunday, February 14, 2010


notes from fortune cookie that i just ate.

. couldnt agree more. i am working my ass off (; and i enjoy my job. i do what i like and like what i do

. deeds (; to date, 09' till now, i've donate blood.volunteered to help out at the christmas event for the orphanage.gave money to a Singaporean man; he said he got robbed. Kaiquan said i got conned, which made me ponder for a bit.chances were 50-50. but well.......i dont regret, not even a bit, my intentions were truly sincere.on the same day, i willingly offered to borrow my phone to a woman who needed to make a call which was refused by the taxi man.come on hack, how much does it cost to make a phone call,right? GOSH!
and these feeling that i get from doing all these is just....i dont know.i cant seem to at all find words to describe it.a sense of happiness which comes from within.a sense of satisfactory.i've never felt so happy and satisfiying.4837256455485798413514 words in the dictionary, and yet i cant find a word to decribe this feeling.honestly.

Valentine's home made cake! :D :D and CNY too! clash,thank god D: for singles.
roti tissue burning.SERIOUS! it exist! so the next time you visit Kanna, remember to order this smoking hot tissue! nom nom :D mmm
allie's a bitch, just like shuk.
and shuk is a bitch, but only bitcher than allie :)
oh my humps.allie's boyfriend.shuk's still a fart bitch but i loveee youuu (: hehhe!

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